Authors’ guidelines

Thank you for choosing Slavica to publish your article. Please use the following instructions in order to ensure that your paper matches the journal’s requirements.
The author should specify the topic of the paper (linguistics, literary studies, culture studies, scientific criticism);
The submission file can be sent in any editable textfile, preferably .docx and rtf. The author should attach any additional fonts used in the text;
Margins: top and bottom - 5cm, left and right - 4cm;
Font and font size: Times New Roman 11p;
Line spacing: simple

Sources should appear in the Bibliography in the following way:

Monographs: AUSTIN 1971: Austin John L., How To Do Things With Words, London: Oxford University Press.
Collective Volumes: BJØRNFLATEN 2006: Bjørnflaten J. I., Chronologies of the Slavicization of Northern Russia Mirrored by Slavic Loanwords in Finnic and Baltic // Nuorluoto, J (ed.), The Slavicization ofthe Russian North. Slavica Helsingiensia 27: 50–77.
Journals: HENTSCHEL–KITTEL 2014: Hentschel, Gerd und Kittel, Bernhard,  Zu Sprachkompetenzen Und Sprachverhalten Von Jungen Weißrussen Und Ukrainern in Weißrussland Und Der Ukraine (Und Zu Schwierigkeiten Eines Solchen Vergleichs Auf Der Basis Unterschiedlicher Erhebungen) //Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch, 2: 2014, 98–128.
Internet sites: КУЗНЕЦОВА 2019: Кузнецова И.В. Ориентализмы-антропонимы в южнославянских устойчивых сравнениях //Studia Slavica 64. (date of acess: 2019.08.12)

The main titles of an article submitted to the Scientific Criticism Section should refer to the topic of the work under review, whereas the subtitle should contain its bibliographical data (title of the book, author’s or editor’s name, place and date of publication, ISBN number, size).

Last update: 2023. 06. 08. 11:06